Creating Executable File
This procedure creates space in heap for exe header and typed constants, creates exe file and positions it to the start of the code.
Procedure CreateExeFile;
ExeHeaderBuffer.Seg := HeapPtrRec.Seg;
Inc (HeapPtrRec.Seg, (CurrentRelocationItemOffset + $000F) shr 4);
If HeapPtrRec.Seg > HeapEndRec.Seg then Error (OutOfMemory);
TypedConstantsPointer.Seg := HeapPtrRec.Seg;
Inc (HeapPtrRec.Seg, (OffsetOfVariables + $000F) shr 4);
If HeapPtrRec.Seg > HeapEndRec.Seg then Error (OutOfMemory);
StrCopy (ExeFileName, CurrentFileName);
FindFilePath (ExeFileName, Dir_Forced or Dir_EXE_TPU or Ext_Forced or Ext_EXE);
CreateFile (ExeFile, ExeFileName);
ExeFileHandle := FileRec (ExeFile).Handle;
Seek (ExeFile, (CurrentRelocationItemOffset + $000F) and $FFF0);
Type PExeHeader = ^TExeHeader;
TExeHeader = Record
Signature: Array [1..2] of Char; { 00 'MZ' }
ExtraBytes: Word; { 02 Last page byte count, Filelength mod 512 }
Pages: Word; { 04 Number of 512 byte blocks including header, Filelength div 512 }
RelocItems: Word; { 06 Number of relocation items }
HeaderSize: Word; { 08 Size of header in paragraphs }
MinAlloc: Word; { 0A Minimum number of memory paragraphs }
MaxAlloc: Word; { 0C Maximum number of memory paragraphs }
InitSS: Word; { 0E Initial value of SS }
InitSP: Word; { 10 Initial value of SP }
Checksum: Word; { 12 Any value }
InitIP: Word; { 14 Initial value of IP }
InitCS: Word; { 16 Initial value of CS }
RelocTable: Word; { 18 Offset of relocation table }
OverlayNumber: Word; { 1A Usually 0 }
This procedure writes typed constants and header to the exe
Procedure WriteTypedConstantsAndExeHeader;
Var SystemUnitTypedConstants: PWord;
ExeHeader: PExeHeader;
ExeFileParagraphs: Word;
ProgramStartOffset: Word;
ProceduresBlockRecord: PProceduresBlockRecord;
CodeConstVarBlockRecord: PCodeConstVarBlockRecord absolute ProceduresBlockRecord;
CodeConstVarBlockRecordPtrRec: PtrRec absolute CodeConstVarBlockRecord;
SystemUnitTypedConstants := TypedConstantsPointer.Ptr;
Word (Ptr (TypedConstantsPointer.Seg, 0)^) := 0;
SystemUnitTypedConstants^ := OverlayCodeList;
Inc (SystemUnitTypedConstants);
SystemUnitTypedConstants^ := OverlayHeapSize;
FillChar (Ptr (TypedConstantsPointer.Seg, OffsetOfVariables)^, 16 - OffsetOfVariables and $000F, 0);
BlockWrite (ExeFile, Ptr (TypedConstantsPointer.Seg, 0)^, (OffsetOfVariables + $000F) and $FFF0);
Seek (ExeFile, 0);
ExeFileSize := FileSize (ExeFile);
ExeHeader := Ptr (ExeHeaderBuffer.Seg, 0);
With ExeHeader^ do
Signature := 'MZ';
HeaderSize := (CurrentRelocationItemOffset + $000F) shr 4;
ExeFileParagraphs := HeaderSize + DataSegment + (OffsetOfVariables + $000F) shr 4;
ExtraBytes := (ExeFileParagraphs and $001F) shl 4;
Pages := (ExeFileParagraphs + $001F) shr 5;
RelocItems := (CurrentRelocationItemOffset - RelocationTableOffset) div 4;
ExeFileParagraphs := (ModuleStack + $000F) shr 4 + FirstFreeSegment + OverlayHeapSize -
(OffsetOfVariables + $000F) shr 4 - DataSegment;
If LongInt (ExeFileParagraphs) + ModuleHeapMin > $FFFF then MinAlloc := $FFFF
else MinAlloc := ExeFileParagraphs + ModuleHeapMin;
If LongInt (ExeFileParagraphs) + ModuleHeapMax > $FFFF then MaxAlloc := $FFFF
else MaxAlloc := ExeFileParagraphs + ModuleHeapMax;
InitSS := FirstFreeSegment;
InitSP := ModuleStack;
RelocTable := RelocationTableOffset;
Checksum := 0;
UnitPtrRec.Seg := SymbolTable [stMain].Segment;
ProceduresBlockRecord := Ptr (UnitPtrRec.Seg, UnitPtr^.BlockOffset [stProcedures]);
ProgramStartOffset := ProceduresBlockRecord^.SizeOfConstants;
CodeConstVarBlockRecordPtrRec.Ofs := UnitPtr^.BlockOffset [stCodeBlocks] +
Inc (ProgramStartOffset, CodeConstVarBlockRecord^.Offset);
With ExeHeader^ do
InitIP := ProgramStartOffset;
InitCS := 0;
OverlayNumber := 0;
FillChar (Ptr (ExeHeaderBuffer.Seg, CurrentRelocationItemOffset)^, 16 - CurrentRelocationItemOffset and $000F, 0);
BlockWrite (ExeFile, Ptr (ExeHeaderBuffer.Seg, 0)^, (CurrentRelocationItemOffset + $000F) and $FFF0);