Command Line Syntax Display
When no source file is specified this procedure simply displays Turbo Pascal command line syntax with default switch states.
Procedure WriteSyntax;
Function Switch (Sw: TCompilerSwitches): Char;
If Sw in GlobalModuleData^.CompilerSwitches then Switch := '+'
else Switch := '-';
Writeln ('Syntax: TPC [options] filename [options]');
Writeln (' -B = Build all units -L = Link buffer on disk');
Writeln (' -D<syms> = Define conditionals -M = Make modified units');
Writeln (' -E<path> = EXE/TPU directories -O<path> = Object directories');
Writeln (' -F<seg>:<ofs> = Find error -Q = Quiet compile');
Writeln (' -GD = Detailed map file -T<path> = TPL/CFG directory');
Writeln (' -GP = Map file with publics -U<path> = Unit directories');
Writeln (' -GS = Map file with segments -V = Debug information in EXE');
Writeln (' -I<path> = Include directories -$<dir> = Compiler directive');
Writeln ('Compiler switches: -$<letter><state> (defaults are shown below)');
Writeln (' A', Switch (WordAlignment),' Word alignment I',
Switch (IOErrorChecking),' I/O error checking R',
Switch (RangeChecking),' Range checking');
Writeln (' B', Switch (FullBooleanEval),' Full boolean eval L',
Switch (LocalDebugSymbols),' Local debug symbols S',
Switch (StackChecking),' Stack checking');
Writeln (' D', Switch (DebugInformation),' Debug information N',
Switch (Instructions80x87),' 80x87 instructions T',
Switch (TypedPointers),' Typed pointers');
Writeln (' E', Switch (Emulation80x87),' 80x87 emulation O',
Switch (OverlaysAllowed),' Overlays allowed V',
Switch (StrictVarStrings),' Strict var-strings');
Writeln (' F', Switch (ForceFarCalls),' Force FAR calls P',
Switch (OpenStringParams),' Open string params X',
Switch (ExtendedSyntax),' Extended syntax');
Writeln (' G', Switch (Instructions80286),' 80286 instructions Q',
Switch (OverflowChecking),' Overflow checking');
Writeln ('Memory sizes: -$M<stack>,<heapmin>,<heapmax> (default: ',
GlobalModuleData^.Stack, ',',
Longint (GlobalModuleData^.HeapMin) * 16, ',',
Longint (GlobalModuleData^.HeapMax) * 16, ')');